The Holiday Hangover
Is anyone else feeling this? The sort of grogginess of waking up from too much Christmas cheer, or turkey. It always seems like there is so much buildup to Christmas that when it comes and goes it leaves you with a feeling of blah. I speculate that this stems from a complete and total refocus of what Christmas is really about. I didn't go to church this year around Christmas. In fact, I haven't gone to church much this year. Call it laziness, call it whatever, but it definitely makes me feel a bit adrift as a person. But not all the time and thats really the problem. My life gets filled up with all these side projects and hobbies and things that make us so "busy", that I tend to forget how centered I feel after a powerful message that hits me right between the eyes on Sunday morning. Something like that is good, especially during Christmas time. It allows me to see through the fog of consumerism to the real reason for Christmas. Don't get me wrong here. I love giving and receiving gifts, but they are not going to fill that empty spot inside. Neither will turkey.
Wed Dec 28, 01:15:00 PM CST
the reeser sat naked at the computer and typed…
I know the feeling! Read my most recent post... it's on both of my blogs. I can see how people who have chemical depression have such a hard time. It's so up and down. YOu get real high on the gifts and then as soon as they are open, downer. That has to be a nightmare for some people.
Thu Dec 29, 07:09:00 AM CST
Fonty sat naked at the computer and typed…
Current agree more, Mike. This Christmas was filled with nothing but booze, just ask Jared about the call. . .I was at my in-laws.
As for church, I felt the same way back in early October, so we made a conscious effort to get out and find a home. Two months later I feel more purposed and driven, and that doesn't include the good friends we've made, and the ex-girlfriend we now hang out with. Later, Fonty
Fri Dec 30, 03:25:00 PM CST
Lisa Armsweat sat naked at the computer and typed…
Merry Christmas to you, too!! Hope you have a fantastic New Year. :)
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