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Mike's Blog

To boldly blog what no man has blogged before. Enjoy at your own risk!!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The Return

So I haven't blogged in forever. Sue me. I suck. Blah blah blah. Looking back at my last post makes me a little sad that I never gave the blow by blow of the move in and nesting phase, but then I got over it and remembered that people probably don't care anyway. So the long and the short is, I am settled into the new place, I have swanky leather furniture, some kitchy smart knickity knack decorative items, and loving every minute of it. Well there are those minutes every morning when the alarm goes off and I remember that I am not actually independantly wealthy and must go to work to pay the bills. Which brings me to the work topic. I am still really liking my job, however, it has been SUPER busy and I've been working some long hours. Why does that actually make me feel a little cool to say? Ehh, I'm sure it will pass.


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