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Mike's Blog

To boldly blog what no man has blogged before. Enjoy at your own risk!!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Bush Wins!

The Battle of Ohio was a victory for the Republicans and Bush wins re-election! The icing on that cake is the expanded Republican majority in the House and Senate. Republicans even control the gubernatorial (what a great word!) race.


  • Fri Nov 19, 08:39:00 AM CST
    Blogger Alisa sat naked at the computer and typed…

    Hmm...this whole "Bush" thing of yours could negatively affect your potential Puppy status...Republican is one thing, but...Bush?!? Okay, okay. Please, let's not fight. Let's just agree to disagree. (Even though I'm right. Wait, that would make you left. And it's obvious that You're Right and I'm Left! OH! Ho ho!) Whatever. Fuck. I hate politics.

  • Fri Nov 19, 03:31:00 PM CST
    Blogger Mike sat naked at the computer and typed…

    Agreeing to disagree sounds like the best plan of action! And you know I'm always going to be Right. ;)

  • Fri Nov 19, 03:50:00 PM CST
    Blogger Unknown sat naked at the computer and typed…

    Well if you like a falling dollar, continued borrowing and spending by the federal government, the end of Social Security and Medicare as we know them, more drilling on public lands, more handouts to the rich, and less for working people, I guess you should be happy about the Bush victory.

  • Fri Nov 19, 05:11:00 PM CST
    Blogger Mike sat naked at the computer and typed…

    Fineartlaw is what I like to call a blog troll. He likes to drop in and make comments on other blogs, which are almost always negative, while not actually having a blog of their own to express their knowledge or the lack thereof. Considering he is a liberal lawyer from California (a little redundant I admit)I can only assume I brought him out of the woodwork by mentioning the Democrat's lawyers in a previous post. Back to your coffin bloodsucker.

  • Sat Nov 20, 12:26:00 AM CST
    Blogger Alisa sat naked at the computer and typed…

    Don't forget that fineartlaw forgot to mention how much he must love gay marriage, gun-control measures, school funding, civil liberties, the separation of church and state, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, caps on corporations and the environment! Fucking liberals!


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