Dodging Bullets
Lately I've had some pretty interesting adventures. Yesterday started with getting pulled over by the police on the way to work. He clocked me at 57 in a 35. Whoops! He asked for my license and insurance then disappeared for about 5 minutes so I was sure I was getting a ticket. He came back with nothing, but my license and insurance in his hand and asked me why I was going so fast. I explained to him that I was late to work and didn't realize the speed limit was only 35. He then asked me for one good reason why I shouldn't get a ticket. I felt like a 5 year old pleading not to get spankings for hitting my brother. I went with the "I apologize for not obeying the posted speed limits and will slow down in the future." He took a long look at my license again and then said, "well you convinced me!" I am soooo glad this cop got some on Valentine's day!
Wed Feb 23, 01:02:00 AM CST
cathy sat naked at the computer and typed…
Hahaha! Lucky bloke!
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